Tuesday, 22 December 2009


It's cold outside, here's someone outside, cold.

Friday, 4 December 2009

This is a piece I did for an interview with internet poker phenomenon Tom 'durrrr' Dwan. It's meant to look like a 16 bit computer graphic. While it's not the best piece I've ever done, I'm quite fond of it's retro nature. The top image is a closeup of the detail, it took around two hours to complete.

'Til next time, take care of yourselves, and each other.

Wednesday, 2 December 2009

It's a birdie! 20 min collage. I loves the old skool techniques.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Wow, this is possibly the most committed I've been to anything, two posts in four days?! Score!

Anyway, this is ballpen sketch of an image I found on the web, with three colour acrylic washes on top to give the texture of the pens more depth. It took around two hours to 'finish'.

It's far from perfect and I could pick holes in it all day, but I hope you like it anyway. Until next time. Peas.

Saturday, 28 November 2009

Yawn. Not another blog.

So to anyone who cares, if anyone is actually reading this. This is the first note on what I hope will be a regular blog, on which I post work I have created and perhaps a few thoughts I have on various topics from the mundane to the serious.

First and foremost this blog is for myself, hopefully it will give me the much-needed discipline to finish (and display) my personal illustration and graphics. Which in turn I am hoping will lead to me improving my ability and creating more creative and different work for fun (and maybe profit).

The work displayed will vary massively in medium, size, discipline etc. So don't expect one set format. Also don't expect this to be a regular thing, it'll probably be weekly at best.

Anyway, if anyone is reading this I hope you like it, feel free to send me your thoughts (good or bad, both are useful, but if you could keep the playground insults to a minimum that would be helpful), and maybe I can make this into something entertaining.

Anyway, till next time.

Peas Out.