The past couple of days/week or so I have been a little lax with my posts putting little or no effort into the work I produce. This has been as a result of my getting bored and frustrated with the work I have produced.
As a result I have decided to go right back to basics with what I churn out, trying to rediscover what I wanted to do as a kid, which was to draw comic books. However as I got older I realised I probably didn't have enough talent to do this and so looked to finding employment that was more likely to guarantee income, hence the job in graphic design. Since then I've been trying to 'discover' what area of art/illustration I was best at and most enjoyed, and yet at the same time not really given myself enough time to explore these areas fully enough.
So now I have decided that I am going to go back to that dream I had as a kid and actually try to produce some finished comics, starting with a few basic three to five panel strips then maybe a page and so on. I'm going to first work on ideas that I have had already and take them further (for instance the Stickers and Posters strip). Because of this all my daily posts will be cartoon-centric and some will be step by step stage reports on various projects. Admittedly it's a change of direction for the blog which I set up to allow me to explore various ways of working. However, I feel I've very much started to become a jack-of-all-trades, master-of-none.
So there we have it, the blog posts will still be daily but now focused on me trying to develop my ability as a cartoonist. I hope those of you that actually read this won't be put off and will continue to lend support.
Thanks, take it easy
PS The guy in the image is meant to have his hand on his heart, see what I mean about lack of cartooning ability?